Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Outback Steakhouse Gains Financially By Offering Coupons

Restaurants are a great place to relax, reminisce, and eat chef prepared meals. Eating out can become expensive, especially for the busy American families who have to eat on the fly most evenings.

Restaurants owners or managers know we all have to tighten our money belts these days, but at the same time, they still want to earn our business as well. Until recently, coupon use was a thing of the past. Most people became too busy or thought it to be cheap in the eyes of the public. Now coupon use has increased 80% overall since 2007. Restaurants are catching onto this trend so they are actually increasing the amount of coupons they offer to the public.

Many big name restaurants such as Outback Steakhouse are offering Internet coupons. Not only does the customer save money, but also the restaurants actually gain financially from the increase in traffic to their location(s). If you research online coupons in your local area, you will find many websites that offer discounted meals, free appetizers, and sometimes buy-one-get one free meals. For the consumer, it may seem like the restaurant would lose money by offering such steep discounts, but quite the opposite is true.

For example, if you go online to look for Outback Steakhouse Coupons, many sites including Outback's homepage, will show up. Think of how many other people are doing what you are doing right now. If 1,000 other people like you were finding great Internet coupons for Outback, at least 75% would be more likely to eat there, which means more money being spent in the restaurant. This is how restaurants gain financially by offering coupons. The more coupons that are being used at Outback Steakhouse and other surrounding restaurants means more revenue from patrons that would otherwise go elsewhere.

If you visit the Outback Steakhouse homepage, you will discover they have an incentives program called "My Outback Rewards". Just by signing up for this incentive program, you receive a free appetizer. That alone would be enough to draw in first time customers. You also earn points each time you eat there and turn the points into prizes or sweepstakes entries. This is an excellent marketing strategy on Outback's part, because they know this will tempt people to frequent their restaurants just to earn points.

The executives that head the marketing and research departments for restaurants know what consumers like you and I are looking for. We are looking for good food and great times at a price we can afford without sacrificing our ability to buy groceries next week. Restaurants have learned grocery stores actually get more business when they offer coupons in their store coupon magazines. People buy the coupon magazine which benefits the store while at the same time benefiting restaurants such as Outback.

Since restaurants finally caught onto the coupon craze, they've started using the idea of circulating coupons in multiple newspapers, magazines, but most importantly, on the Internet. This may seem like an obvious idea to some but it actually takes some very detailed research to figure out a cost effective approach to bringing in a steady stream of returning customers.

Some restaurants may be out in remote or idle locations. Be that as it may, if the discounts are worth the extra drive, many customers are still going to frequent their favorite restaurants versus going to a pricier restaurant closer to home that offers no incentives.

Before you go out for your next family meal or on a dinner date, look for restaurant offers that will save you money. Not checking online for Outback coupons and rewards programs is like throwing money away. There is no reason any of us cannot go out and enjoy a nice meal with great conversation and excellent service. It is all just a click away now.

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